Debit Cards Validity Date Extension


Following the previously communicated Contingency Plan, and the State of Emergency, we hereby inform you that:

Debit cards with validity date until March of this year (03/2020) were all extended for another 3 months, allowing the cards to continue to be used until the end of June of the current year.

Should the calamity situation or the state of emergency be extended beyond the initial term, cards expiring during that period will also be extended in an adjusted manner and the appropriate information will be provided in due time.

Caixa, exclusively thinking on your safety and that of your family, will do everything to assist and support the prevention of COVID-19.

Stay at home and only visit our Branches in case of absolute necessity.

It is never too much to invite you, whenever possible, to use of the digital channels that are at your disposal (Caixa Mobile, Caixanet, POS and ATM).

We are always at your side! 
We thank you for your trust and understanding,