Release of the book Zito's Savings

In the month dedicated to children, Caixa Económica de Cabo Verde is pleased to launch the online version of the book “A Poupança do Zito”, part of the digital programming for June.
“A Poupança de Zito” is a story aimed at children and youth that in a playful and creative way talks about issues such as money, savings and financial education. Through the writing of the well-known writer Marilene Pereira and the beautiful illustrations by Ivan Silva, children and teenagers can follow the adventures of little Zito in discovering the importance of financial education from an early age. Yes, Zito is still just a child, but he got to know a lot about the bank, how to open an account for Contained in the Order and Contained in Savings.
Now we have a Zito who is better informed about financial products designed especially for children and – with the help of parents – better prepared for the future. 
Download the “Zito's Savings” brochure for free and read the story to have fun and also learn how to save to win. 
Happy reading and good savings.