Financial Education

This e-book entitled "Financial Education - descompliCAIXA" is an initiative of Caixa Económica de Cabo Verde, with the aim of providing basic information on personal finance and encouraging citizens to reflect on their relationship with money. In addition, the material shows how proper management of personal finances can bring benefits to well-being. With a clear and didactic approach, the e-book brings together practical examples and valuable information for efficient management of personal, family and business finances.
We believe that individuals with financial knowledge are crucial for the stability and efficiency of the financial sector, as they tend to seek options that best meet their needs. That is why we have compiled the chapters published in the "Financial Education" section of Caixa's website, with the aim of offering enough knowledge so that the reader can reflect on his personal finances and make them more predictable, controllable and comfortable.

Remember, the key to financial success is constant planning and saving. Follow our tips and happy reading!